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GivingDNA Did You Know

Did you know GivingDNA can help you create and compare donor profiles?

November 30, 2023

Did you know GivingDNA can help you create donor profiles of various segments of your donors and compare them to each other?

Recognizing the similarities and differences amongst those in your donor file is important and something you should be doing regularly. By recognizing the similarities and differences of say your online vs offline donors, or baby boomers vs millennials, you can create better experiences for them that will ultimately strengthen their relationship with your mission and have a positive affect on your fundraising results.

GivingDNA recognizes that and allows you to create profiles of donor segments in a variety of ways.

Watch this video to see how you can create donor profiles in GivingDNA and the benefits it provides!

If you're interested in learning more, reach out to your success manager today or contact us at support@givingdna.com

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