Did you know that GivingDNA can help find wealthy new donors?
Did you know that GivingDNA charts can be downloaded?
Did you know that the GivingDNA dataset is updated once a month?
Did you know GivingDNA can integrate with three different CRMs?
Did you know GivingDNA has a YouTube channel?
Did you know that you can see all of your major gift officers' portfolios on the major giving dashboard?
Did you know GivingDNA can show you portfolio performance, retention rate, average gift, and if donors' gifts are growing or shrinking?
Did you know GivingDNA can help you analyze your major gift portfolios?
Did you know GivingDNA can help you identify your best mid-level donors already on file with our new Opportunity Alert?
Did you know GivingDNA can help you create donor profiles of various segments of your donors and compare them to each other?